Home Elephant videos (Original footage) Feeding Milk to Cute Baby Elephants

(Original footage) Feeding Milk to Cute Baby Elephants

Feeding Milk to Cute Baby Elephants

(Original footage) Feeding Milk to Cute Baby Elephants

Udawalawe National Park is home to many of these baby elephants that are reintroduced to new elephant herds. Elephants have always been a national treasure to the island of Sri Lanka and its people. With a massive elephant population, this island is seeking all possible ways to safeguard Asian elephants as they are categorized as an endangered species.

Feeding Milk to Cute Baby Elephants-Take a look at this cute video, with so many baby elephants moving into the queue to drink milk. They sure are intelligent and understand about the limits. As soon as they get a good share of milk, they move out of the way so others can drink milk too. Feeding Milk to Cute Baby Elephants

Most of these baby elephants are brought here as very young ones who are found lost without an elephant herd. When they arrive here, they incorporate themselves with the herds here. The original family herd would have migrated to a new area, and it is complicated for the officials to recognize those herds as there are several hundred or more.

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