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One unforgettable attempt to save a giant elephant from its demise


Elephants are free to roam around the island as most of the citizens in the country consider these giants as a national treasure that is directly linked to their history and culture they value the most. These giants are also given with massive conserved areas across the island in many national parks, holding grounds and sanctuaries reserved just for them.

In some cases, these elephants run into dangers such as Hakka patas traps, hunters who are very little in numbers, Well,s Canals, and muddy pits that they get stuck in. In rare occasions, these giants do fall ill to a level until they lose all strength and stamina needed for their daily survival. This giant was spotted by a group of her gatherers that live in a farming villager closeby. They immediately contacted the wildlife department to save this elephant as soon as they can. Even these villagers had the idea of these elephant being too weak even to recover anytime soon.

Despite that fact, the wildlife officers arrived and also called for reinforcements and heavy equipment and vehicles to support this mission. They provided this elephant with saline, antibiotics, and all the required medicine without delay. But this elephant only had a little life left despite having everything required to save this elephant at the end. Elephants cannot be treated like humans today, and they need more time to recover and high volumes of medicine and support compared to humans. Unfortunately, this elephant did not survive despite the wildlife officers spending a lot of their allocated budget to hire heavy support vehicles and on other requirements. It was a valiant effort, unforgettable to all those who were involved. Rest in peace.

Read more about the elephants in Sri Lanka.

In the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, Elephants roam the streets and through village areas freely in many regions of the country. The small island nation is full of elephants that are loved by most of the inhabitants of the island. Most educated in the country are continually fighting corruption, and animal abuse, especially towards the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants.

They tried to drag this elephant out of the muddy pit using their own strength, and they couldn’t go far. That is when they contacted a villager with a tractor to lend them some help to get this elephant out of this challenging situation.

However, around farming villages where elephants raid crops, many conflicts are happening that have caused casualties to both sides. They have set a lot of fences and electric fences with barriers around many villages and farmlands around national parks and many massive forest reserves. These elephants often run into traps and wells placed along with farms for water supply.

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