Elephants getting injected as they swim in the lake, Wildlife team saving a sick swimming elephant
A group of wildlife experts are on the field beside the lake where the elephants are, preparing the medicine that will be used for treatments. There is this particular elephant inside the lake having a nice time, and not so far from the elephant are people on a boat trying to lure the elephant out of the lake so she could be treated. The wildlife team is waiting for them to come out to treat them one by one.
There is this huge elephant the doctors were expecting to come out of the lake. So, one of the doctors went by the lake, when she came near, she was given the injection, the elephant could not help but scream and made her way to the lake once again.
Elephants getting injected as they swim in the lake
After treating that elephant, the doctors went around to treat others as well. Then they left the water for another huge elephant on the ground and administered the medicines.
It’s a great feeling seeing people helping the animals to survive, keeping them safe from infections that nature has to offer in the current world polluted status. Giving purpose to the forest and saving the wildlife. Humanity is still alive with a lot of purposes. We hope that more of this will continue to save the world of elephants and animals in general.
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