Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Elephant circus acts are not for entertainment. It is cruelty!

Elephant circus acts are not for entertainment. It is cruelty!

Elephant circus acts are not for entertainment. It is cruelty!

Elephant circus acts are not for entertainment. It is cruelty!

Elephants trained to perform in circuses aren’t just smart elephants that know how to make moves. They are some elephants exploited by circuses to endure a lifetime of torture living with chains after being broken at a very young age.

Elephant Circus

The so-called training process for these wild animals is some set of cruel acts that includes beating them down. Elephants are wild animals that will require having their mindset totally abused and destroyed to only obey what master’s order. The International Union for Conservation listed elephants as endangered species to such facts including the illegal ivory trade that results in over 30 000 annual elephant deaths every year.Elephant circus acts are not for entertainment Elephants trained for circuses end up with many broken bones, head wounds from falling and also severe brain injuries that would trigger it to rampage over people during a circus event. Above mentioned are some of the obvious methods used to train them. It is ironical how people who tend to love these wild elephants still take elephant rides and watch circuses about them. This is to inform that all of us should rise against these cruel acts and wrongdoers to have strict laws to punish them.

Say no to elephant circuses and elephant rides.

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