Home Elephant videos Baby elephant videos Wildlife team feeds little elephant with milk and also gets treated

Wildlife team feeds little elephant with milk and also gets treated

Wildlife team feeds little elephant with milk and also gets treated

Wildlife team feeds little elephant with milk and also gets treated

Adorable baby elephant has finally arrived for necessary caring and medications. They caressed her body so affectionately and then gathered to carry her to the cage. On getting to a secure place, they made her lay down and turned her so the back facing the ground which enabled them to remove something like dirt from the chest of the elephant. That did not go smoothly because the elephant was just busy struggling with the vet doctors.Wildlife team feeds little elephant with milk and also gets treated

They started caressing the body and I can say the elephant feel loved once more. Then they got this adorable baby elephant to open her mouth and gave her milk to drink and when they stopped, the elephant showed interest for more so they had to give her more of the milk.

After all that has been done, one of them dipped his hand into the mouth of the elephant to touch the tongue and after that rescue team gave more milk to the cub to drink.

Wildlife team feeds little elephant with milkWildlife team feeds little elephant with milk and also gets treated

A truck brought the medicine that will be used to treat her. When the medicine was prepared they turned the little elephant on her back once more. They washed and treated the wound.

The washing was really painful because the elephant was just struggling all through, looking for a way to get away from the veterinarians. They applied medicine to the wound and the baby elephant was in pain, so this adorable baby elephant just laid down.

When the little baby elephant woke up they took her to a new home. They fed her with more after being fed with a lot of milk. The vet doctor started caressing the elephant even more.

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