Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Wild elephant in a village finds his new home

Wild elephant in a village finds his new home

Wild elephant in a village finds his new home

Wild elephant in a village finds his new home

This huge wild elephant has found its way into a human village. He stands in front of a building where villagers gathered to witness this drama. The villagers are aware of him and decided to give some food.

Wild elephant in a village finds his new home

A wildlife rescue arrived at the scene. Their mission is to take him back to a remote location for this elephant to wander around safely without causing havoc in village level areas. They prepared the tranquilizer shot to sedate this elephant first. This elephant is friendlier than other wild elephants, and it is totally enjoying its time in the village area. Meanwhile, the wildlife officers were able to bring in the heavy truck that is used to transport such giants.Wild elephant in a village finds his new home

They tied this elephant to the ropes before it got up again. Officers and people guided him towards the truck when the elephant regained consciousness. The team with the help of gathered crowd successfully loaded this giant into the transport. They tie him into the truck and the truck moves out towards the forest.

The truck arrives at the forest, drop point and the team tries to set him free from the truck. A heap of gravel is on the ground to aid its descent. A caterpillar is being used to nudge it from behind. The elephant goes down from the truck after a while, dropping onto the gravel, and then moving back into the forest. The elephant is back in his home sweet home.

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