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The beauty of Humanity, Protecting Elephants and their habitat


The beauty of Humanity, Protecting Elephants and their habitat

This is a rare video recorded near a large forest reservation site kept for elephants. Elephants in Sri Lanka do have vast lands like this reserved for wildlife, not just a few but many around the island.Protecting Elephants and their habitat

Protecting Elephants and their habitat-The Elephants kept at such sites are loved and cared while they receive a lot of food and other hospitality from the villagers close to the borders. Sometimes these elephants do come out from the secured zone out towards human villages and towards farmlands to get stuck on mud pits and wells.

These giants hold an essential part of nature and traditions in Sri Lanka, and as the largest of the Asian elephant species, these elephants are protected well from extinction. Some of these giants are troublemakers who are always adventurous to move out from the safe zones. But some are humble to stay within the habitat given to them.

Take a moment to enjoy some of these scenes taken to show you how these lovely elephants behave and how they run away from Wildlife officers when they come to check on them routinely.

Watch the full video here

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