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Old and Humble Giant getting treated by kind wildlife officers. Truly a humble giant


Old and Humble Giant getting treated by kind wildlife officers. Truly a humble giant

In the island paradise of Sri Lanka, Elephants roam the streets and through village areas freely in many parts of the country. The small island nation is full of elephants that are loved by the citizens of the island. Most educated in the country are continually have stood up against corruption and animal abuse especially towards the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants.Old and Humble Giant getting treated by kind wildlife officers. Truly a humble giant

Old and Humble Giant getting treated by kind wildlife officers. Truly a humble giant-Sri Lankan Elephants are known to survive passing averages age known to them due to the current regulations and support are given to the wildlife department to keep the elephants safe. There are many aged elephants in the country that requires weekly check-ups on their health, most of them are iconic to some areas and are given with special names by the clergy.

This footage is about an old and weak elephant who was reported with unhealthy behavioral patterns. It was seen having trouble walking around as well. Wildlife officers are always on time at such dire situations, and they wanted to treat this elephant after a checkup quickly.

It is still a very difficult and a life-threatening thing to approach a giant this big. They are still capable of sending any human being flying even when they are sick and weak. Wildlife officers used the tranquilizer gun to shoot the elephant with medical shots as antidotes and proper medical attention. Mission was a success as they didn’t encounter any problem during the operation.

Watch the complete footage and share your views and ideas about these brave wildlife officers that lead a risky life to keep the elephant-treasure safe for the future.

Watch the full video here

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