Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephant

Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephant

Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephant

Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephant

Young elephant was found and brought to a local wildlife rescue camp. It had some small and big wounds all over the body. The elephant was tied to a tree using a rope wrapped around the neck. It was walking up and down while driving flies away from the wounds.Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephant

Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephant-Wildlife rescue team decided to treat the wounds and heal the sick elephant. The team started to tie the elephant before administering the medicine. Doing that was not a smooth task as the elephant continued to struggle with the men, almost seemed impossible for them to tie it down. Flies were perching on the wounds while the elephant screams around. The two legs of the elephant were tied. Not it is time for the treatments.

The vet doctor dipped the scissors with cotton wool medicine into the wounds. It was definitely painful. The application of the medicine was really not friendly. Foremen were in charge of making sure the elephant gets the medicine by holing and pushing it to the right position for the application of the medicine.Group of vet doctors injecting a raging wounded elephantThe vet doctors got to do their job. The elephant will start healing from the wounds in no time.

Diane Van Der Westhuizen once said “we must protect animals and this land. If the animals die, this land dies. If this land dies, we die”. That is what this video is all about – protecting and saving the animal.

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