Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage (part 2)

Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage (part 2)

Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage (part 2)

Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage (part 2)

The vets treated the ear of an elephant and as well gave the baby elephant drips. After the ear has been treated and the drip administered, the elephant was allowed to rest a while and then was pushed up by the vets to start going. The group of six men pushed the elephant hard to stand up but it could not, so, some had to hold tusks, another its tail while the rest pushed it up from the back but all was in vain as it was not making attempts to stand up.Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage (part 2)

Story continued from there

The elephant was really sick to the extent it can’t stand on its own. It maintained sitting position for a while and after sometimes it fell on its side again. The rescue team decided to get a truck to transport it to the elephant orphanage for further treatments. They found a tractor with a detachable trolley.

Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage

Fallen Giant Sick elephant gets transported to the elephant orphanage (part 2)

Vets and the team tied this elephant to the detachable trolley on to the tractor with great difficulty. After so many efforts of dragging and pulling, the elephant finally got on the truck and they zoomed off.

The next obstacle they encountered was for the tractor to climb up to the main road leading out with the heavy load of the elephant. After some pushing, they finally got on the road and while going they had to pass through a small river, they stopped the tractor inside the river and poured water on the laying elephant and then continued the journey.

They came to a place where they exchange the elephant to another truck. It was easy as the trolley that had the elephant on it was detachable. When the trolley was attached successfully to the pick-up vehicle, the vet doctors started treating the wounds in the baby tusker elephants’ body and they administered the drips once again while moving it to the elephant orphanage.

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