Home Elephant videos Baby elephant videos Cutest baby elephant saved and treated before taken back to the elephant...

Cutest baby elephant saved and treated before taken back to the elephant herd

Cutest baby elephant saved and treated before taken back to the forest

Cutest baby elephant saved and treated before taken back to the elephant herd.

This cute little dumbo had the chance to visit the local wildlife officers after being rescued from a well. The baby elephant took a big fall to a well that gave him quite a few scars. The baby elephant was luckily found in time and was transported to a nearby wildlife officer post set to monitor Sri Lankan elephants (Elephas maximus maximus) in the area.

A baby elephant is still hungry after being rescued from a well. This lovely looking calf wanted more and more water as an officer kept giving water to the baby. The baby elephant seems to be fine right now, but the baby needs to go back to its natural habitat.

Baby elephant drinking waterWildlife officers took their time to treat this elephant calf and gave him a little wash while they had the chance to show affection towards this lovely elephant baby. Then came the time to take this elephant calf back to its natural habitat. Officers loaded the baby onto a truck and left to release it back to the forest where this elephant calf will be able to join the main herd and its worrying parents.

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