Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part 3 (Elephant shot in the leg) Update 2
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This sad news came to our ears when villagers spotted this giant struggling in pain after getting shot in the leg. This wild elephant was helpless when villagers came to its aid.
The wildlife officers did set up a tent to cover the elephant to keep him away from the direct sun as it can make this elephant extremely uncomfortable due to high temperatures.
It has been several days, and the vets and wildlife officers never gave up bringing this elephant back on its feet. Wildlife officers quickly wanted to set up the tent up again where this elephant broke during the previous updates.
It is night time, and the elephant has been in the comfortable state in water for several days again, and its finally the time to bring the giant back to the land. With all the medicine and treatments provided to the giant, vets have seen progress on this elephant regaining strength.
With the aid of a caterpillar, they started pulling the elephant away from the water towards the land, where they can treat the elephant more. They can almost feel the elephant being able to stand up and walk again in the very future.
A parliament minister also came onto the scene to aid the officers with the newly given Toyota Land Cruiser that is owned by the state. However, it wasn’t powerful enough to pull the elephant out from the water.
Watch the full video here