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Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part 2 (Elephant shot in the leg) Update

Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part 2 (Elephant shot in the leg) Update

Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part 2 (Elephant shot in the leg) Update

Previous status:

This sad news came to our ears when villagers spotted this giant struggling in pain after getting shot in the leg. This wild elephant was helpless when villagers came to its aid.

Biggest elephant rescue operation-The wildlife officers did set up a tent to cover the elephant to keep him away from the direct sun as it can make this elephant extremely uncomfortable due to high temperatures.Biggest elephant rescue operation

Update 2:

The tent didn’t last, and this elephant is receiving treatments every day to recover from this disastrous situation. Officers are back again to provide saline to this elephant that is weak, it is unable to eat well too and because it cannot get up. Water is the only comfort this elephant got for the time being. Providing enough saline will have some effects for this elephant to last till it can get up properly again.

Meanwhile, the police authorities are looking for the culprits behind this shooting. It is not easy to track down such hunters or farmers that aim towards killing these giant elephants that are kept as a national treasure.

We hope to bring more updates about this elephant as soon as possible. We are very sure about this elephant walking again.

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