Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Big injured tusker elephant gets treatment | Vet doctors treat injured wild...

Big injured tusker elephant gets treatment | Vet doctors treat injured wild elephant

Big injured tusker elephant gets treatment | Vet doctors treat injured wild elephant

Big injured tusker elephant gets treatment | Vet doctors treat injured wild elephant

This video is about a group of veterinary doctors went on to find this big injured tusker elephants. They moved closer to the elephant after alighting to have a closer look at the injured elephant. The elephant that is with a baby elephant by her side stood for minutes without walking up or down, it’s probably the injury.

Big injured tusker elephant gets treatment

The vet doctors went back to their vehicle to prepare there injecting guns, then by this time some other people have joined the group. The elephant, after minutes, took a few steps forward and this time I guess she has seen the vet doctors.Big injured tusker elephant gets treatment | Vet doctors treat injured wild elephant

One of the vet doctors shot her with the prepared medicine and she started walking away from there. Then after some minutes the vet doctor went to where the elephant is to give another dose of injection and after receiving the shot the elephant made a sharp U-turn and the doctors just had to step back.

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