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An angry baby elephant fights back when officers try to take it to a safe area


These kind of situations are common to the wildlife department of the island of Sri Lanka as they have to deal with several thousands of elephants that freely roam across conserved areas and also often passing through villages and towns. They end up wandering alone or chasing other small animals for fun to be finally get separated from the herd. This is a very sad and a hard situation to witness and to address, with limited resources to swiftly resolve such issues.

Whenever the wildlife department receives news regarding a lost baby elephant, they respond fast by first securing the baby elephant at one of their facilities made to hold such vulnerable animals. Then they provide food and shelter until they come up with the plan to find their family or take them to a place like an elephant orphanage home where plenty of young elephants roam in a massive secure area with no danger or difficulty.

The baby elephant is entirely on a rampage mode as it is confused, scared and angry at the same time. It sure needs to see its parents, but in this situation, it is not possible for these officers. They need to use brute force to hold this elep[hant into place and to relocate back to their base before they begin required procedures to find the herd it belongs to.

People will criticize this move of holding such baby elephants without knowing the facts, but this is the best way to handle such situations by making sure that they are safe before any relocation program starts to help them.

Sri Lanka and Elephants.

In the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, Elephants roam the streets and through village areas freely in many regions of the country. The small island nation is full of elephants that are loved by most of the inhabitants of the island. Most educated in the country are continually fighting corruption and animal abuse especially towards the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants. 

However, around farming villages where elephants raid crops, many conflicts are happening that have caused casualties to both sides. They have set a lot of fences and electric fences with barriers around many villages and farmlands around national parks and many massive forest reserves. These elephants often run into traps and wells placed along farms for water supply.

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