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A Mega Mission to catch and transport a giant Elephant to a National Park

A Mega Mission to catch and transport a giant Elephant to a National Park

Sri Lanka is a beautiful island full of elephants and many other wild animals that gets to enjoy limitless amounts of green forests and grasslands in every part of the island. However, these green forests and grasslands do lead these wild animals to move towards human territories which are mostly inhabited by farmers who have large lands covered with crops and several farming wells that look appealing to animal adventurers.

This situation occurred when a giant elephant moved towards a farming village in Polonnaruwa where villagers got scared and to seek help from the wildlife department and its officers. The only way to deal with this situation is to relocate this elephant back to a conserved site or a national park where this elephant will not get to harm or be harmed by humans in any case.

These kind of operations are the most difficult ones as these giants are extremely difficult to control and to move towards any sort of modern vehicle on the road. They had to prepare the backstage with the truck level up for this elephant to move into while the officers had to trap the elephant so it can be moved to the truck. They did in a way that this elephant doest get to see where it is being taken, so it will not struggle or try to rampage across the field while so many villagers have already surrounded the scene. Watch the full footage below and understand the amount of effort and risks these wildlife officers take despite having limited resources and logistics support.

Sri Lanka and Elephants:

The beautiful island paradise is full of dramatic scenarios that unfold around its giant elephants every day. These giants run into may problems, including human-made and natural terrain-related accidents that lead them to certain critical situations that sometimes cost their own lives. Sri Lanka is an island nation full of Elephants that roam the streets and through village areas freely in many regions of the country.
There are several thousands of them that are taken care of by the wildlife department and the loving citizens of the island. Most educated in the country are continually fighting corruption, and animal abuse, especially towards the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants.

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