Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos The Risky Lives Of Wildlife Officers Who Helps Elephants.

The Risky Lives Of Wildlife Officers Who Helps Elephants.


The Risky Lives Of Wildlife Officers Who Helps Elephants.

A wildlife officer, the modern-day protector of the wild. These amazing individuals are the unsung superheroes of the wild. Modern day is full of threats to the inhabitants in the jungle, our animals, and plants that define the future survival of the earth ecosystem.

The Risky Lives Of Wildlife Officers Who Helps Elephants-Here is a short documentary of a wildlife expert team and few local inhabitants approaching a sick young elephant close to the borders away from the heart of the wild. Adult or Young, Elephants weight several times a human. In any direct encounter, a handful of human will ever have a chance to escape a charging elephant.The Risky Lives Of Wildlife Officers Who Helps Elephants.

This young elephant needs some medical attention according to the routine. Officers are already working towards giving anesthetics to calm this elephant down as they have to get closer to the young adult Sri Lankan elephant.

After a while, the elephant laid over the ground so the vets and the officers can perform the medical check as this elephant had uncommon behavioral patterns.

After when all the medical attention performed to the young elephant, its time for the risky part where these officers have to get him up. These officers risk themselves being attacked and stomped on, so they pour water over to cool the elephant down and for it to come to its conscious.

Well, its kind of fun to see baby elephants chasing grown-up men, right?

The Risky Lives Of Wildlife Officers Who Helps Elephants.

Officers themselves can’t help but to laugh and run away from the young adult elephant. The mission is a success to the team that will be heading out to treat other elephants and animals in the region.

Watch the full video here

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