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Friendliest elephant from the wild

Friendliest elephant from the wild

Friendliest elephant from the wild

It’s one of nature’s epic creations. The elephant is a common seeing in most of the Asian countries. The main reason for this is that due to deforestation not only elephants but all most all wild animals face lack of food. As a result of this elephants tend to migrate towards human civilizations.

Friendliest elephant from the wild

At the beginning of the video, it clearly shows how a wild roaming elephant has come near a humanly popularized road in search of food. In some cases, migration of such giant animals toward urbanized areas could make a devastating effect on people living on it. In fact, these giants sometimes could be more destructive in the process of finding food resulting in huge life and property damage.

Friendliest elephant from the wild

Luckily the giant we see in this video has domestic behavior. With time it has become a frequent habit to visit near the roads for this elephant.

And the people who are passing nearby get trilled as fond of this eye-catching scenery. It seems like for many local people the elephant visiting has become a more common scenario in their day-to-day life.

As a result, the people traveling in roads tend to move towards the wild elephant without any fear.

In the mid part of the video 1:23 we will able to see the elephant stretches the trunk for seeking food. Most of the tourists who are traveling nearby get excited to see these giants.

Friendliest elephant from the wild

Now, this has become a ritual for most of the people using these roads often to stop by and bring some fruits and vegetable to feed the elephant. Even the tourists seem no fear of taking photos with this domesticated wild giant, as it seeks no harm.

There won’t be any harm to the elephants too because of the fact that these lands are well protected and declared as sanctuaries for wild elephants by wildlife authorities.

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