Home Learn about Elephants Elephant facts Elephants making love – This is how giant elephants mate

Elephants making love – This is how giant elephants mate

Elephants making love - This is how giant elephants mate

Elephants making love – This is how giant elephants mate

The topic for today is about elephant love. Elephants can be giants and mighty wild animals, but when it comes to love and affection, sharing feelings, they are very much relatable to humans.

Elephants are extremely sensitive and emotional. We have some interesting facts for you about elephants and their love life.

Elephant males are well endowed: Meaning that they are huge with beyond proportions regarding their sexual organs. Elephant penis can reach up to four feet and weigh 60 pounds that can be called the 5th leg due to its size.Elephants making love - This is how giant elephants mate

Elephant females are ready for the challenge: Elephant females are well matched with their mates. Their reproductive system includes a reproductive canal that can be eight feet long.

Elephant males are romantic: just like in this video, Male elephants are driven to be lovesick like having a teenage crush that would make you stop thinking about all the other things including school.

Elephants hold the record for the most extended pregnancy period: Elephant females carry their babies during their pregnancy for 20 to 22 months. This period is a record in the animal kingdom.

This footage is for observation and educational purposes only. Feel free to discuss the topic humanly for us to understand more about our humble giants and the whole of nature in general.

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