Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Hunters’ trap caught the trunk of a big elephant |wildlife team saves...

Hunters’ trap caught the trunk of a big elephant |wildlife team saves elephant’s trunk from a trap


Hunters’ trap caught the trunk of a big elephant |wildlife team saves elephant’s trunk from a trap

It is the routine check day for Wildlife officers and the team to check on traps and disable them. Some trappers set them up secretly to harm these magnificent giants for the simple reason of hatred and to chase them away. Some of these traps are set to keep animals away from village areas where these elephants get caught in.

As they take time to disable and remove off a trap set for some other animal or towards the elephant, they spot an elephant with a wounded trunk caused by a trap. At the time the wounded elephant was crossing a stream with a young elephant which could be her baby.

Spotting elephant in a bad shape

The elephant was in a bad shape with a swollen, damaged trunk. If it gets infected and spread over the trunk, it can lead to a much critical condition such as death.

Hunters’ trap caught the trunk of a big elephant |wildlife team saves elephant’s trunk from a trap

Wildlife team with the vet doctors prepare to get close in order to remove the wire wrapped around the elephant’s trunk to treat the wound. These giants are unpredictable and dangerous. These wildlife officers are risking their lives on this occasion.

This tired humble giant is calm after getting the anesthesia and decided to let the wildlife team handle the situation. Wildlife officers quickly cut the wire off with some struggle. The elephant could regain its consciousness anytime.

They treat the elephant with the medicine. After the treatments, they decided to get away from the scene.

Officers are treating this elephant well and the elephant will take some time to be normal again, thanks to these brave wildlife officers. Elephant rescue mission-hunters trap ended successfully.

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