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Baby elephants go out for a walk

Baby elephants go out for a walk

Baby elephants go out for a walk

Wildlife officers in Sri Lanka always give a prominent place for keeping baby elephants without parents safe. They make sure to take care of them with a lot of love and protection. These baby elephants either got lost or lost their parents. Today we have a video about how they walk these baby elephants to keep them active and fit.

Baby elephants go out for a walk

First, they give them a bath to make sure to keep them clean. Being clean will keep them away from all kinds of diseases and infections. Much like to those human babies, these baby elephants require attention and caring too.

Baby elephants go out for a walk

It is very important to supply them with milk. Newborn baby elephants weigh from around 77 to 113 kg on average. That is a small fraction of the weight compared to a grown adult. Newborn baby elephants and young calves require around 11 liters of milk every day. So the wildlife officers have to provide them with their required amount daily. Finally, the fun part to take these calves out for a long walk. They require a lot of exercises and walking distance to grow up in a natural way. They will be there with these wildlife officers till they are ready to join another group of elephants.

These two are the most adorable calves you will see today. Look how they go after the officer. These baby elephants acknowledge them as guardians for now.

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