Home Uncategorized An incredible moment, saving a young elephant knocked by a train

An incredible moment, saving a young elephant knocked by a train

An incredible moment, saving a young elephant knocked by a train

Young elephants like this always roam outside to get lost at night and end up being separated from their herd. These elephants then move away from, and until they reach a blockage or a village, they can loot food from. Unfortunately, this elephant was struck down by a train during the night time. The train stopped and reported this incident to the relevant authorities, and the villagers all surrounded the scene until wildlife officers arrived.

The wildlife officers had a big challenge to move this elephant to a safer location and close to a place where they can hold this elephant with support for it to stay up. They managed to do all that with limited logistical supports, and they were delighted to see this elephant with more energy than they expected it to have. The medical procedures followed in soon after, and they were able to provide enough food and water with the help of the villagers around.

Sri Lanka is known to be a very generous nation, and mostly, these rural villagers are always full of support to anyone that needs them. These officers have already assigned a few villagers to look after this elephant when the officers are on their duty visiting other locations. Watch the full video and find out how they managed to pull these efforts off to get this elephant to good health to ensure its survival.

Sri Lankan Elephants and the situation explained in brief:

On the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, Elephants roam the streets and through village areas freely in many regions of the country. The small island nation is full of elephants that are loved by most of the inhabitants of the island. Most educated people in the country continually fight corruption and animal abuse. Especially they continue their resolve to show how important the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants.

However, around farming villages where elephants raid crops, many conflicts are happening that have caused casualties to both sides. They have set a lot of fences and electric fences with barriers around many villages and farmlands around national parks and many massive forest reserves. These elephants often run into traps and wells placed along with farms for water supply.

We humbly invite you to join us with a journey full of love and help to our treasured wild elephants in the paradise island of Sri Lanka.

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