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An elephant needs more than medicine! Human Compassion


Thousands of elephants roam across different regions as they please across Sri Lanka. These elephants have ultimate freedom and massive lands and jungles to be in and live the way they want. Sometimes these young ones go out on adventures towards human cities and villages. This case is due to some injuries shown on its body. Officers are yet to unwrap the case and cause of this elephant’s situation.

This elephant is in pain and in dire need of food, water, and all the medical supplies it can get. There is another unfamiliar factor that is making the situation better for this elephant. That is human compassion, and this elephant is experiencing every bit of it from vets, officers, and villagers all around. People were eager to help the officials on their rescue operation, and they even walked several miles to provide water and food as they can.

Watch and experience the level of comfort we humans can give to such animals in need. We are truly capable of more than providing medicine for the survival of our nature and all the wild animals in it.

Drama with Elephants on the island of Sri Lanka: What’s going on?

On the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, Elephants roam the streets and through village areas freely in many regions of the country. The small island nation is full of elephants that are loved by most of the inhabitants of the island. Most educated people in the country continually fight corruption and animal abuse. Especially they continue their resolve to show how important the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants. However, around farming villages where elephants raid crops, many conflicts are happening that have caused casualties to both sides. They have set a lot of fences and electric fences with barriers around many villages and farmlands around national parks and many massive forest reserves. These elephants often run into traps and wells placed along with farms for water supply.

We humbly invite you to join us with a journey full of love and help to our treasured wild elephants in the paradise island of Sri Lanka.

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