Home Other Rhim-gazelle saves his life against all odds from lions and a crocodile.

Rhim-gazelle saves his life against all odds from lions and a crocodile.

Rhim-gazelle saves his life against all odds from lions and a crocodile.

Rhim-gazelle saves his life against all odds from lions and a crocodile.

Rhim-gazelle saves his life against all odds from lions and a crocodile.

Forest is always full of precarious lives of animals and plants. In the jungle, you need complete awareness to survive. With sharp senses, it’s easier to avoid dangerous situations in the jungle. This video is about Rhim-gazelle. A very innocent animal that is fast and agile.

Rhim-gazelle saves his life against all odds from lions and a crocodile.

It is seeking water out away when three lions looking for a kill approached it. While standing in the valley it suddenly notices the danger closing in. Three lions are approaching it from the other side of the valley while searching for an accessible way. But it didn’t notice that a giant crocodile is also lurking through the water with scintillating eyes.lions image

The Rhim-gazelle showing a stolidness character. It seems that it is taking some time to take a wise decision. But it’s sure that it is trembling inside. After thinking while he actuates himself to jump to water even without an idea how deep it could be. So It clearly shows its tremulous feeling towards the lions. But it has no idea about the crocodile.

The Rhim-gazelle moves fast in the water with much effort. If it gets stuck in the mud it will probably become a pray for crocodile. The crocodile suddenly got rousted, as this is a rare chance for it.


Crocodile starts to chase behind it with a lightning speed. Suddenly the Rhim-gazelle notices the crocodile, but its only rescue is strength in its limbs. In the last moment, it got able to get into the land and reconsolidate if he I safe by looking back. At last thanks to its own determination and dedicated feeling it got able to save its own life. So both three lions and the crocodile making around trip. It just passed a serious predicament moment in its life.

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