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Giving life to a sick elephant who had no hopes of surviving- part 02


This scenario was recorded in Polonnaruwa. An ancient capital city of the old ages of Ceylon when kings ruled the country and built many tanks and reservoirs. Parakrama Samudraya and Minneria Wewa are two massive tanks built during the ancient Sri Lankan civilizational era. The engineering and the amount of work used to be successful in creating such massive tanks cannot be compared to what we can achieve with the advancement of technologies. All the farming villages have their irrigation system linked to this magnificent tank that also helps all other wild animals to drink and bath without any human hindrances.

This young elephant has been fighting for its life for a while, and it has been better since the day these wildlife officers came to its rescue. A major village rescue operation was called to action to help this elephant survive before these officers got to the location with all the necessary medical facilities. 

These villagers made sure that this elephant got enough water to drink and also made its body cool down under the burning sun. This muddy environment gave so much comfort for this elephant as it had to wait for the wildlife officers to arrive at the site.

The wildlife department and officers wasted no time, and they arrived with all the medicine and facilities required to give the elephant another chance to stand up and walk again. They called in support, and locals were happy to help with whatever the supporting and farming vehicles they had.

This elephant is currently undergoing more feeding days and will be getting the chance to regain its strength slowly. The mud and water will allow this elephant to stay comfortable out in the sun as it will also get to cool its body down. We will bring you a final update as this elephant recovers from the bring of its demise.

The history and the situation of the island of elephants right now.

On the beautiful island of Sri Lanka, Elephants roam the streets and through village areas freely in many regions of the country. The small island nation is full of elephants that are loved by most of the inhabitants of the island. Most educated people in the country continually fight corruption and animal abuse. Especially they continue their resolve to show how important the treasures that elephants are to the state as Sri Lankan elephants are known as the largest and the strongest among Asian elephants.

However, around farming villages where elephants raid crops, many conflicts are happening that have caused casualties to both sides. They have set a lot of fences and electric fences with barriers around many villages and farmlands around national parks and many massive forest reserves. These elephants often run into traps and wells placed along with farms for water supply.

We humbly invite you to join us with a journey full of love and help to our treasured wild elephants in the paradise island of Sri Lanka.

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