Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue.

Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue.

Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue.

Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue.

It was a sunny day in a rural part of the Island of Sri Lanka. Wildlife department received information regarding a young adult elephant who’s trapped with a wire deep inside the jungle area. As they prepared themselves for the operation, they wanted to approach this elephant from behind silently without alarming to cause any panic.Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue.

Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue – This elephant has been in this dire situation for the past few days. They spotted the elephant in great pain and even without much energy to even feel. They silently prepared the anesthetics for this elephant, so they can approach and set the elephant free and give proper treatments.

After a little while, the elephant is calm for the vets to reach and quickly cut the wire off. Wildlife officers were in a hurry to release it off as they could risk the elephant’s life. The situation is not clear since it could be a trap or a situation where the elephant went out towards breaking a fence. Then got its trunk trapped with branches and small trees.Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue.

The situation is far worse than what they imagined. The team is trying there to save the elephant. It is impossible to perform surgery-related procedures in such rural areas.

We hope for the best for this innocent animal that got caught in this unfortunate situation. We hope to update you regarding the elephant very soon.

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