Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part1 (Elephant shot in the leg)

Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part1 (Elephant shot in the leg)

Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part1 (Elephant shot in the leg)

Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part1 (Elephant shot in the leg)

This sad news came to our ears when villagers spotted this giant struggling in pain after getting shot in the leg. This wild elephant was helpless when villagers came to its aid.

Biggest elephant rescue operation-The villagers could not do anything but to seek expert help from the Sri Lankan wildlife authorities and officers. These animal lovers are always quick to respond to these problems as they value the lives of these elephants a lot more than we can think about.Biggest elephant rescue operation 2018. Part1 (Elephant shot in the leg)

In this video, we can see the elephant laying down over a little swamp that would help the elephant to stay cool with all the water supply. The wildlife officers did set up a tent to cover the elephant to keep him away from the direct sun as it can make this elephant extremely uncomfortable due to high temperatures.

The elephant requires a lot of medical attention to recover from this hard situation to recover from. Let’s take a look at the video and fund out how passionate these wildlife officers are towards saving these giants.

We hope to deliver the latest and the newest footages about this elephant soon.

Watch the full video here

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