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Animal cruelty caught in act: Elephant rides

Animal cruelty caught in act: Elephant rides

Animal cruelty caught in act: Elephant rides

Animal Cruelty is something that should disappear in this current generation full of modern technologies. People have invented many mechanisms to replace the use of animals for hard work in many parts of the world. Today we will be talking about elephant rides using heavy chains to control them.

Animal cruelty caught in act: Elephant rides-it’s a long walk, but the guide follows all the way through. The elephant is huge! There is a chain tied to its leg that holds the tourist seat in placeAnimal cruelty caught in act: Elephant rides

The tourist seat also has a rail that helps them hold still during the bumpy ride. There are other elephants that give tourist rides; this one seems to be giving a family of two the same ride. All elephants are dressed in similar attires, there are also various guides that help guide elephants.

Elephants are tall, so there is a makeshift flight of stairs that help tourist up and down the elephant. It’s an exciting ride for riders, as there seem to be lots of tourists who want to get on the ride, but these giants are chained for a lifetime and are trained to do so.

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