Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos A giant elephant gets a pass to a safer jungle part 1

A giant elephant gets a pass to a safer jungle part 1

A giant elephant gets a pass to a safer jungle part 1

A giant elephant gets a pass to a safer jungle part 1

It is very natural for villagers in Sri Lanka to confront many wild elephants across rural areas. With no clear and protected boundaries set between jungles, farmlands, and villages, these giants have been roaming around freely even moving through human communities as they please.

A giant elephant gets a pass to a safer jungle part 1-This situation has only led to them being injured, trapped and killed on some occasions. It also harms humans as well with life-threatening injuries to get getting innocent elephant lovers getting killed as well. Ongoing wild elephant relocation activities are swift on the island. The country has many preserved forest regions for many of the wild animals found today. It also has its elephant parks.A giant elephant gets a pass to a safer jungle part 1

This is a situation where you get to witness how wildlife authorities handle such giants towards taking them away to a safer habitat that isn’t threatened by habitat loss or other predators that pose threats to elephant lives.

In this video, you will see how wildlife authorities cam to handle this giant. They had to sedate this giant first and tie its legs so they can pull the giant showing it the path towards the transport.

Watch the full video here

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