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A beautiful Elephant who invaded a village gets a ticket back home. ( Part1)


A beautiful Elephant who invaded a village gets a ticket back home

Sri Lankan elephants are known as the most majestic and the largest among the Asian elephant species. They are connected to the Sinhalese history and Bhudhism in many ways over the centuries that have passed. The island knows their real value as they have categorized elephants as a national treasure. Due to this reason, elephants are well protected inside a chain of wildlife conservations zones set up around the island. National parks are well guarded with no access for hunters or poachers that are found around the African continent.

This situation arose when this elephant went away from its natural habitat towards a village full of farmers. Concerned villagers knew what they had to do, and as usual wildlife officers came to the scene and they are trying their best to escort this elephant to the truck that will carry him away from this village.A beautiful Elephant who invaded a village gets a ticket back home

They always tie these elephants like this facing the other way so they will not see the truck that looks like a cage. The elephant will be slowly pulled back to the truck with the use of ropes, and it is a dangerous mission that requires a lot of men.

This elephant is a bit concerned about the surroundings and manages to see through the plan set in place when he breaks free from the form. Officers have to swap ropes around to keep the elephant away from facing the truck.

Watch the full footage and find out how they managed to take this elephant inside. We will have a newer part coming up on fully loading and moving this giant back to a safer jungle.

Watch the full video here

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