Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people

Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people

Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people

Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people

Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people; The famous Z D canal is a trap for every roaming elephant around the vicinity. There have been numerous counts of incidents similar to this over the recent time frame. With no proper planning and considering the environment and its animals, this canal should have included an exit for animals that fall into this.

Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people

This incident is regarding two elephants who happen to fall into the canal. They are probably related to each other as a parent and its offspring. As usual, locals are excited to help them out from the canal. They have contacted wildlife experts and the police regarding this matter. The way out of this canal is far from reach, so the only way to get out is by climbing up.Two elephants saved from a canal, Thanks to kind people

These giants with massive bodies cannot handle such slopes at high angles. They need support to climb from these humans gathered around. Locals and experts prepared two large ropes with tires and other attachments for them to hold or step into to.

After few attempts, they were successful on climbing the rope to escape the canal back to the jungle. Everyone is once again joyful and happy about their safety.

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