Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos Elephant with a bad stomach in critical condition gets treated. (Polythene, plastic...

Elephant with a bad stomach in critical condition gets treated. (Polythene, plastic pollution).


Elephant with a bad stomach in critical condition gets treated. (Polythene, plastic pollution).

With the growing population around the world, usage of plastic has rapidly grown towards an uncontrollable scale.  Plastic is versatile, flexible, easy to use and is relatively cheap to produce.  The ease of use and all of its qualities have now started to show the negative side that has destroyed our ecosystem in many ways.Elephant with a bad stomach in critical condition gets treated. (Polythene, plastic pollution).

Elephant with a bad stomach in critical condition gets treated-This giant elephant from the island nation of Sri Lanka has found its way towards human villages and some waste areas. It seems this giant elephant was unfortunate to eat some junk that included plastic materials and polythene waste that has affected its stomach critically.

The wildlife experts and vets are here to treat the elephant by performing tests to reach its stomach, possibly to loosen its belly for it to be free from this irritating problem faced by the giant.Elephant with a bad stomach in critical condition gets treated. (Polythene, plastic pollution).

Vets took their chances to provide saline as they had to be responsible for this Elephants life. Other experts are working towards the examination procedures that must be carried out during this elephants calmness.

This video shows the difficulties faced by our very own wild animals that we love and care. The procedures would be graphically absurd, but these are also some of those expert ways of handling such situations for your information in general.

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