Home Elephant videos Elephant rescue videos A Sick Elephant Gets Medical Attention: Wildlife deserve the best too

A Sick Elephant Gets Medical Attention: Wildlife deserve the best too

A Sick Elephant Gets Medical Attention: Wildlife deserve the best too

A Sick Elephant Gets Medical Attention: Wildlife deserves the best too

Sick elephant was found lying in a muddy pond. It was trashing around in the pond struggling with pains. Wildlife rescue team decided to treat the lying giant. The team prepared vaccines and other necessary medicine after examining the elephant. Saline solution is giving to a vaccinated elephant.

A Sick Elephant Gets Medical AttentionA Sick Elephant Gets Medical Attention: Wildlife deserve the best tooAfter administering the right dosage of saline, they gave it medicine for the sickness. The team continuously pours water on the elephant to help it cool off and relax. They leave the elephant to recover

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